at sea burial

FAQ burial at sea services | LA, San Pedro, Long Beach, Redondo Beach

Burial at sea is not the most common burial method like traditional ground burial, but it is getting popular, and many people have questions regarding this business. Here is a list of frequently asked questions regarding burial at sea services, including full-body burial at sea and scattering ashes at sea, answered by sea funeral professionals:

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For cremation information in California, the following links will provide important information. For information on Cremation Centers in your geographical area, google "cremation centers."

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Yes. EPA may issue a general permit under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) to authorize sea burials. However, special permits might be needed in each state.

If you are living in California, all burials at sea off the coast of California require a permit. Whether it is full-body burial or scattering ashes at sea, you need to get a permit issued by the County.

If you are selecting full-body burial at sea services, we offer caskets, coffins, and shrouds as body containers. All the materials used are biodegradable and eco-friendly. No plastic is used in the coffins since it is not decomposable.

For spreading ashes at sea services, we offer biodegradable urns and baskets. If you request some flowers to be thrown at the burial location, we use decomposable flowers.

No. The MPRSA general permit only allows the burial of human remains in the sea. Pet ashes cannot be mixed with human ashes either. The remains should not cause pollution or marine debris.

No. The cremated remains should only be put in simple decomposable containers like biodegradable cremation urns. Any other structure with a purpose other than disposal is not allowed.

No. MPRSA general permit only allows sea burials in ocean waters. All sea burials should be performed at least three nautical miles from shore.

You can use your authorized boat or hire a boat from charter companies. Many charter boats also offer burial at sea services and have specialized operators.

Sea burials have many benefits compared to traditional ground burials. Water burials are more environmentally friendly and cause no contamination for soil. The materials used are biodegradable and are decomposed in a short time.

It takes less time to arrange a sea funeral. The costs are also more affordable compared to ground burials.

Our boat captain and director of the funeral will recite a line, poem, or prayer before doing the casketed burial or throwing the ashes at sea. We play funeral music, but we can also play music of your choice. Other services are included if requested.

Our office is located in San Pedro/Long Beach, but we provide sea funeral services on various shores across California, including San Pedro, Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, and Catalina Island.

Our prices vary depending on the plan and the location you choose. Our plans include attended and unattended ceremonies. We arrange funerals for different pacts containing 1-6, 7-12, and 13-27 people.

Our prices range from $695 to $1650. Call our office to get an exact quote for your sea funeral services.

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